the so-called gurus of mushrooming ‘Satsanghas’
claim to “enlighten” people in one sitting; and enlightenment is the ultimate
destination of spiritual progress. Once one is enlightened, nothing more is
needed. Another remarkable thing is the growing fashion of ‘yoga’ and
‘meditation’. These are simply formal practices where people are unable to
integrate their principles into their development as a spiritual being. In fact
Satsangha, yoga and meditation are
important aspects of spirituality, but their essential purpose is seemed to be
completely submerged under the material gains people chase these days.
A general
mass understanding of yoga and meditation is that they help in keeping yourself
physically and mentally fit. One cannot deny this fact, however, their real
purpose is to help unite our ‘Self’ with the ‘Super Self’ or ‘God’. It is clear
that when your primary focus is on ‘self realisation’ or ‘god realisation’, you
automatically get the secondary benefits of yoga and meditation, i.e. physical
and mental fitness. Unfortunately, a particular group of people is madly after
slim and sexy bodies to impress the external world, so they rigorously practise
yoga to fulfil this desire.
In his
book ‘Enlightenment: The path through the jungle’, Dennis Waite clearly
divides the world we live in into the material world and the spiritual world.
The material world is the day-to-day reality or “Vyavahara”, whereas the
spiritual world is the absolute reality or “Paramartha.” But the neo-advaita
gurus, who claim ‘immediate enlightenment’ are keen to address the problems
related to“Vyavahara” such as people’s depression, worldly happiness,
dysfunctional relationships, cluttered mind and so on in their ‘Satsanghas; “Paramartha” is
beyond all these issues.
does not need anything to be illuminated, and all of us have this ‘Self’ within
us. Dwelling in the materialistic world, however, we are not aware of this
fact. As a result, in order to complete a journey from self-ignorance to
self-knowledge, interventions in the form of scriptures are needed.
There is
no short-cut to spiritualism. There are numerous time-tested scriptures
available, e.g., Vedas, Upanishads or Bhagavat Gita (in
the case of Hinduism). If we are to explore ‘self-knowledge’ we must go through
the systematic scriptural route, using our reason, referring to our personal
experience and asking gurus for clarification when necessary, since the
scriptures do not ask us to follow everything blindly. Satsangha, yoga
and meditation are all used to reach the ‘Paramarthik’ goal of ‘self
realisation.’ One should not be fooled by the idea that only attending the ‘Satsangha’
classes run for publicity will lead them to enlightenment. If this was the
case, the world would be full of enlightened people, but there are very few real
‘spiritual people’. What is happening is that the majority of people are using
‘spiritualism’ as a ‘business’ like they do with everything else in this
materialistic world.
(Published in an English Daily The Rising Nepal on Friday, December 2, 2016)
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