Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Push Your Limits

"You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream the farther you get," according to the famous American swimmer and the most decorated Olympian of all time, Michael Phelp. When I met Nitesh Shah, I saw him as Phelps’s quote personified. I recently went to Janakpur with the programme "Youth Empowerment through Career Counselling and Motivation" for school students. This programme was organised by JKK Foundation and supported by Nepal National Commission for UNESCO (NNCU). At this time, I happened to come across Nitesh when he was presented to school children as a live example of a motivator.
In fact, he was a true inspiration for young secondary level students as he had an encouraging story to share with them. When Nitesh was still a child of eight years old he survived a deadly electrocution accident which cost him one of his hands, whilst the other was partially damaged. This, however, could not stop him from dreaming big in life.
I asked him what exactly he felt when he first realised that he had lost his hands; his response was quite surprising. With a broad smile he said instead of being sad he was happy because he thought now he did not have to go to school and study. With time, his views changed. He did not like to sit idle at home and feel sorry for himself.
As soon as he recovered from that life changing accident, the first thing he did was practise writing. He tried different ways using the partially functioning hand, joining that hand with the stump of another, using his toes or sometimes his mouth as well. With untiring practice eventually he explored that the second way perfectly suited him.
Nitesh remembers vividly at the time of crisis he found his father a strong supporter who never let his son feel handicapped. He always encouraged him to move in life as normally as any normal child would. Nitesh was a high achiever academically and he maintained an excellent record right up until he completed his MBA.
This MBA graduate does not feel as though he is different from other people, nor is he disappointed over his hands. However, the most frustrating moment for him is when he cannot do something independently, e.g., he still cannot button his shirt by himself.
As human beings we all have limitations, visible or invisible; and if we focus on them while ignoring our potential, we cannot succeed in life. I found Nitesh as a live example who pushes his boundaries to chase his dreams. If he thought by losing his hands he had lost all his hopes and life goals, he would never be what he is today. On the flip side, there are numerous people in our society who regret not having something which others have; this limited approach means that quite often, they cannot realise their dreams.
So, focus on your strengths and keep trying to hone them and nothing can hold you back to achieve what you desire to achieve. This is the lesson that Nitesh has taught the youngsters.
(Published in an English Daily The Rising Nepal on Friday, July 14, 2017 

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