Monday, 11 June 2018

Unconditional Love

I think “love” is the concept which is discussed more than any other concepts in the world. They say this feeling has different forms. However the love between lovers has grabbed more attention and the intense lovers may say to each other, “I love you unconditionally” hundred times when they are still enjoying the honeymoon period of love life.

In the discourse of spiritualism the concept of “unconditional love” can be found well explained. In my opinion it is very hard for someone to love unconditionally as an ordinary human being. Particularly, in the case of “couples”, love is mostly mutual, not unconditional. If they really loved each other unconditionally, the number of divorces would not increase so rapidly. 

As we all know, in unconditional love nothing can sway how one person feels about the other, but when two people start to realise the differences between them, their relationship will gradually move towards crumbling, and eventually ends in a divorce. Therefore, what they boast of as unconditional love at the beginning of their relationship is most probably their lust or worldly desire. When they begin to live together this desire takes them to different directions and they soon forget about the purity of unconditional love.

Unconditional love does not change through the course of time or anything else. If unconditional love exists and if there is someone who can experience it, she is a mother. Motherly love is the closest form of unconditional love; fatherly love might also be the same but being a mother myself I can only safely vouch for motherly love. 
I deeply feel that a woman cannot be complete unless she becomes a mother or her personality as a woman will not bloom to the fullest without having a true feeling of motherhood. To be a mother means to be more understanding, selfless, loving, patient and open. How can a mother express her unconditional love towards her child?

Well, let me present some examples. A mother can stay hungry but she always makes sure that her children are well-fed. She can forget about the things which could make her happy but she tries to get everything for the sake of her children’s happiness. Doing all this, the mother does not calculate her sacrifices; the only concern she has throughout her lifetime is to be sure that her children are doing well.

When a child achieves something, no matter how small or big it is, the mother will be much happier than the achiever themselves. In other relationships there may exist jealousy, competition, revenge, hatred or calculations but in a mother-child relationship such bitter aspects rarely get any room.

The depth of unconditional love is very profound and to love unconditionally one must really have an open heart which does not count anything but love. Especially, in this materialistic world a majority of people care for their own comfort first; the common practice of “give and take”. How does unconditional love sustain in such a selfish situation where more emphasis is only on taking? So, except for a mother, another person hardly has the capacity to love unconditionally.

(Published in an English Daily The Rising Nepal on Friday, May 11, 2018 
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1 comment:

  1. Unconditional love is surely an ideal. Even those closest to us can disappoint us at times. Mothers are the most likely group of "unconditional lovers", yes. Yet I don't agree that proof of unconditional love is that a mother cherishes her child's achievement more than the child does. Surely this is conditional love! A mother cherishes her child with or without achievements....


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