Recently I had read a story about a man. He had sustained a fatal injury in an accident. He was extremely worried thinking about whether or not he could survive. Impatiently he asked his doctor, "Will I live?" The doctor replied, "Yes." He further asked, "Will I be able to walk?" The answer was again "Yes." Encouraged by the positive answer, he asked another question, "Will I be able to work as usual?" This time also the
doctor simply replied, "Yes." The man put a broad smile on his face and said, "Then what in the hell am I worrying about?"
Everybody should feel in the same way as the man if they are living a normal life but usually they cannot. They worry about everything, such as "I do not have a permanent job," "I get paid a very low salary," "I do not have enough money to buy a house," "I am not in a good profession," and so on. But just "to worry" cannot be of any help to solve our problems. So it is worthless to compare us with other people and be discouraged.
In general nobody does anything in the world even though they may think they are doing something superb. One works hard day and night to earn more than ever. But what for? Merely to live. We think we are in different businesses like medicine, engineering, law, teaching or whatever but we are not. All of us are are basically in only one business, that is the business of living; no matter whether we are living simply or luxuriously.
We hustle and bustle for nothing, as we clearly know human expectations have no boundaries. We never think of what we have got, but always long for what we lack. It is the greatest tragedy of human kind. We almost forget that everyone of us is full of boundless potentials. It is said that we make use of only a small part of our mental and physical resources and most part of our energy is consumed in worrying over fruitless things.
Our life is too short to waste a single minute just by worrying in vain, instead we have to live it in full swing. This does not mean that we have to stop worrying for good causes as well. What we have to worry about is exploring and expanding our potentials, but with caution. We have to worry to an extent so that it does not become a reason for our ruin. Should there be any situation that is beyond our control, it is better to let it go and try to explore other things that make us happy. Some can be happy by writing poems while others can seek happiness in books, television, computer or gossip. It depends on our differences as individuals. Happiness brings satisfaction, which is very important to lead a successful life.
No one denies that without ambition there in no progress. However, the reins of ambition should be in our hands so that it does not cross a limit. Leo Tolstoy's story 'How Much Land Does a Man Need?' is a good example to show the consequences of over ambition. In the story, a peasant comes to know that he will get as much land as he himself can encircle by running. As soon as he hears this he rushes to the distant place where this generous offer has been made. After many hardships, he arrives there and arranges for his great opportunity the very next day.
A starting point is fixed and he begins running with the morning sun. Feverishly he runs into the blinding light and the burning heat without stopping to eat or rest. And as the sun sets, he staggeringly completes the circle. Victory! Success! Realization of the dream of a lifetime! But alas! with the last step, he drops dead. All the land he will need now is just six feet on earth.
It is human nature to continuously strive for all that we do not have, however that same desire may be what heralds our own devastation. Life can not be completed without the trials and tribulations, the stresses and the reliefs, but we can not always be dragged into the depths of worry. So, every now and then it is important to kick back, relax and forget all the troubles you have. After all, we do not live forever.
doctor simply replied, "Yes." The man put a broad smile on his face and said, "Then what in the hell am I worrying about?"
Everybody should feel in the same way as the man if they are living a normal life but usually they cannot. They worry about everything, such as "I do not have a permanent job," "I get paid a very low salary," "I do not have enough money to buy a house," "I am not in a good profession," and so on. But just "to worry" cannot be of any help to solve our problems. So it is worthless to compare us with other people and be discouraged.
In general nobody does anything in the world even though they may think they are doing something superb. One works hard day and night to earn more than ever. But what for? Merely to live. We think we are in different businesses like medicine, engineering, law, teaching or whatever but we are not. All of us are are basically in only one business, that is the business of living; no matter whether we are living simply or luxuriously.

Our life is too short to waste a single minute just by worrying in vain, instead we have to live it in full swing. This does not mean that we have to stop worrying for good causes as well. What we have to worry about is exploring and expanding our potentials, but with caution. We have to worry to an extent so that it does not become a reason for our ruin. Should there be any situation that is beyond our control, it is better to let it go and try to explore other things that make us happy. Some can be happy by writing poems while others can seek happiness in books, television, computer or gossip. It depends on our differences as individuals. Happiness brings satisfaction, which is very important to lead a successful life.
No one denies that without ambition there in no progress. However, the reins of ambition should be in our hands so that it does not cross a limit. Leo Tolstoy's story 'How Much Land Does a Man Need?' is a good example to show the consequences of over ambition. In the story, a peasant comes to know that he will get as much land as he himself can encircle by running. As soon as he hears this he rushes to the distant place where this generous offer has been made. After many hardships, he arrives there and arranges for his great opportunity the very next day.
A starting point is fixed and he begins running with the morning sun. Feverishly he runs into the blinding light and the burning heat without stopping to eat or rest. And as the sun sets, he staggeringly completes the circle. Victory! Success! Realization of the dream of a lifetime! But alas! with the last step, he drops dead. All the land he will need now is just six feet on earth.
It is human nature to continuously strive for all that we do not have, however that same desire may be what heralds our own devastation. Life can not be completed without the trials and tribulations, the stresses and the reliefs, but we can not always be dragged into the depths of worry. So, every now and then it is important to kick back, relax and forget all the troubles you have. After all, we do not live forever.
(Published in an English Daily The Rising Nepal on Wednesday, April 28, 2004)
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