The Nepal government has
set a number of strategies to ensure the access of all children to basic
education under ‘Education for All’ program by the year 2015. The program aims
to guarantee the right of education to all including those from the ethnic
communities, minorities and linguistic groups, and to eliminate gender and
social disparity.
Another scenario, particularly noticed in public schools, is that teachers do not go to school regularly, even if they go there, they do not go to their classrooms, if they enter the classrooms, they do not teach. It is also heard that teachers go to school by rotation in most of the villages. Instead of teaching they ask students to do their personal chores. Against this background, it is almost impossible for a child to be educated in a proper way.

Another scenario, particularly noticed in public schools, is that teachers do not go to school regularly, even if they go there, they do not go to their classrooms, if they enter the classrooms, they do not teach. It is also heard that teachers go to school by rotation in most of the villages. Instead of teaching they ask students to do their personal chores. Against this background, it is almost impossible for a child to be educated in a proper way.
There is no doubt that
education is a basic foundation for development of all sectors of the country.
It is only possible through the means of education to end social, political and
economic disparities that exist in a society. Only education prepares skilled
and quality human resources, which a nation desperately needs to change its
gloomy appearance into brighter one.
An educational survey
report shows that the current enrollment rate of primary level students is 81
per cent, and the goal is set to make this rate 100 per cent by 2015.
Similarly, the literacy rate is also assumed to increase from 48 per cent to 75
per cent and the rate of trained teachers from 20 per cent to 100 per cent.
The government has
introduced a special scholarship scheme from this academic year to encourage
children towards education. Particularly children from the families, which have
not acquired primary education, will be provided a stipend at the rate of Rs.
500 per student per annum. More than 100,000 children from the target group are
estimated to be benefitted through this scheme.
In the same way,
provisions have been made for providing a scholarship to girl students from the
economically vulnerable families including all children from the dalit community, backward indigenous
communities and children from the families living under the absolute poverty
line. Along with this, 50 per cent of girl students who are studying in
community primary schools throughout the country will also be provided a
scholarship of Rs. 250 per student per year.
Decentralization and
school-based vocational assistance have been taken as the principal strategies
for bringing about improvements in all aspects of quality education. The long
term plan aims to increase access to education and to establish special
scholarship mechanisms for disabled and students with special education needs.
In addition, children’s learning needs are decided to be fulfilled through the
adoption of inclusive education.
The local community
could play an important role in making the schools autonomous, capable and
effective. In this regard, a program has been worked out for consolidating the
capacity of local communities for enhancing their efficient management. On the
basis of achievements gained by the community-managed schools, the government
also has a plan for handing over the management of schools to the community. Two
main objectives of this strategy are to strengthen the role of the community
and to enhance quality education.
However, it is a great
tragedy that Nepal has been suffering a lot due to political instability. And
education sector is one which is affected the most by such an unstable
situation. The existing schools have been closing down, student dropout rate
has been increasing, and teachers have also been quitting their jobs because of
insecurity, fear, ongoing conflict and violence. A study report on the other
hand indicates that there are still more than 6,00,000 children of 6 to 10 year
old age group who are deprived of accessing primary education.
At the planning level
everything looks fine, but when a question of implementation is raised many
problems appear. An entire success of the “Education for All” program depends
on the level of dedication of all stakeholders – the government, all the
organizations working in the field of education, parents, teachers and students
The government must
have strong follow up mechanism to achieve the above mentioned goals. The
concerned ministry and related offices must be fully aware of what is really
happening in schools, if teaching-learning is going on there or something else,
if deserving candidates are getting a scholarship or if invested money is being
used correctly. The problematic areas can be identified through regular
follow-ups. If the problems are detected on time and solutions are provided
promptly, then implementation side could be more effective.
In contrast, only
introducing different programs and not trying best to implement them
efficiently and successfully can be a great waste of money, time and energy.
Eventually, “Education for All” may remain just as a slogan instead of this turning
into reality.
in an English Daily The Rising Nepal
on Sunday, May 30, 2004)
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I would appreciate any and all suggestions on making improvements (as long as they are viable).