Unfortunately, the box slipped off my hand and bumped on the wooden floor with a "Bang!" I unbelievably stared at it. How could I do that? My intuition immediately told me, "It's gone, baby. You lost all your data in a blink." Yet, I wanted to check if it was still working. No, my instinct was absolutely right. I lost everything that had been stored so dearly working for four years.
At that moment a sense of great loss gripped me tightly. The feeling was similar to losing someone who was dear to you. I started sobbing. When I got hold of my emotions eventually, my mind began questioning, "What was I crying for, after all?" For the lost data? No, my husband had assured me that they could be retrieved. Then, for that dysfunctional drive? Answer: Again 'no,' because a statement given by my father is tattooed inside me, "Never have faith on artifacts; they may deceive you anytime. So, don't get attached to them too much." And I trust his wisdom more than hundred percent.
I wondered, what was my problem? During a meditative moment I heard my inner voice, "In fact you cried for the helplessness of human beings. No matter how prepared you think you are, you can never win the invisible player who is constantly watching your game. At the least expected time he abruptly goes with a broad smile, 'Check, mate!' You are shocked. You think you were playing excellent. You look here and there. No escape. You have been trapped badly from everywhere. You have no choice but surrender to that super player. Got it?"
Hmm...I was convinced. My inner voice was right. Can you believe, the next morning I heard a sad news of someone's untimely death who was significant to me? Even though he was not from my extended family, his family is near to my heart. I felt deep pain for the bereaved family.
Was it just a coincidence or my intuition was warning me in advance about the ill omen?
[The pictures on this blog are posted here with permission from their owners or have been gathered from various sources on the Internet. If you are the copyright-holder to any of the photographs herein do not hesitate to contact me. They will be swiftly removed if desired so.]
The helplessness of human beings... ah yes, that's what your feeling was, I suspect. And the loss of your family friend was further evidence... you were tuning in to this dark side of our universe...
ReplyDeleteThere is a joyful side, too. Recently I was watching "Call the midwife" on ABC TV with my father, who was very old.
The nurse played by Miranda Hart had a fraught relationship with her difficult mother. Now the mother was dying. The daughter lay next to her mother on the hospital bed in a momentcof tenderness after all those years of stress. The mother died soon after. In the ame episode, a baby was born, new life!
I wondered if my father would comment on the very moving scene of the mother's death.
All he said was "What a beautiful baby!"
He died about two weeks later, on 27 June 2014.
Another two weeks passed and my young cousin and his wife had a new baby daughter...
Yes Marie you found the crux of the matter. I was trying to say there could be a connection between the two incidents. You showed me the brighter side as well. I am sorry to hear that your beloved dad is no more. I remember the times you used to talk about him and you were visiting him frequently. We express our heartfelt condolence. May his soul rest in peace. Yes life flows from darkness to brightness and vice versa. Your dad's short comment is conceived with lofty wisdom.