There is a new and strange trend developed after the establishment of Loktantra (people's republic) in Nepal; that is, in every sector the part-time or temporary staff are strongly staging protests to get the permanent status. In the same line, Tribhuvan University (TU) is not an exception. The ridiculous protest conducted by the TU part-time teachers and an irresponsible decision of the government to appoint 900 part-timers, who have served the university for at least a year on an automatic contract basis, are a great concern for every intellectual.

A university is regarded as the highest level of educational institution. Therefore, by principle, it must recruit its teachers carefully on the basis of certain criteria. For instance, those who want to enter the university service must have excellent academic records along with teaching competence so that the students would be benefited.
Unfortunately, these principles do not apply in our situation. If you have an access to the "power" you can easily join the university service (particularly TU) as a part-timer. It does not matter whether you have a third division; all you need is boot-licking skills. It is said that the TU has turned into only a recruitment center. Once you anyhow manage to enter there using your connection, you may simply have to teach one period (an hour) in a week, but you will be counted as a part-time teacher and will be eligible to get an appointment on a contract basis. Isn't it interesting?
At the same time, there are hundreds of capable candidates out there who have held a distinction or a first division in their master's degree. They desire to join the TU service but political barrier always exists. It is a bitter reality that every TU campus has one or another sort of political hold. If a campus is dominated by the leftist teachers, they never allow a newcomer who is a democrat, no matter how capable and competent s/he is, and vice versa. In this way, those who do not have any connection or even if they have some sort of connection but do not want to use it because they believe in their capabilities, have been waiting for an opportunity (which might never appear) to join the university.
It is a shame that the students, who have to be shaped and guided properly, are raising their voice to support the part-time teachers' protest or they are ready to guide those misguided lot.
The university must realize the adverse consequences of the unwise and shortsighted government decision and discourage it immediately. Instead of appointing teachers haphazardly, it must open the vacancies every year so that all eligible candidates could take part in the open competition and only the best and deserving candidates could be selected.
[The pictures on this blog are posted here with permission from their owners or have been gathered from various sources on the Internet. If you are the copyright-holder to any of the photographs herein do not hesitate to contact me. They will be swiftly removed if desired so.]

A university is regarded as the highest level of educational institution. Therefore, by principle, it must recruit its teachers carefully on the basis of certain criteria. For instance, those who want to enter the university service must have excellent academic records along with teaching competence so that the students would be benefited.
Unfortunately, these principles do not apply in our situation. If you have an access to the "power" you can easily join the university service (particularly TU) as a part-timer. It does not matter whether you have a third division; all you need is boot-licking skills. It is said that the TU has turned into only a recruitment center. Once you anyhow manage to enter there using your connection, you may simply have to teach one period (an hour) in a week, but you will be counted as a part-time teacher and will be eligible to get an appointment on a contract basis. Isn't it interesting?
At the same time, there are hundreds of capable candidates out there who have held a distinction or a first division in their master's degree. They desire to join the TU service but political barrier always exists. It is a bitter reality that every TU campus has one or another sort of political hold. If a campus is dominated by the leftist teachers, they never allow a newcomer who is a democrat, no matter how capable and competent s/he is, and vice versa. In this way, those who do not have any connection or even if they have some sort of connection but do not want to use it because they believe in their capabilities, have been waiting for an opportunity (which might never appear) to join the university.
The university must realize the adverse consequences of the unwise and shortsighted government decision and discourage it immediately. Instead of appointing teachers haphazardly, it must open the vacancies every year so that all eligible candidates could take part in the open competition and only the best and deserving candidates could be selected.
Published in an English Daily The Kathmandu Post on Tuesday, September 12, 2006)
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